Roosevelt Island Explorers

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Our website for Roosevelt Island Explorers (RiEx) organizes the activities of educators and children working together to develop an early childhood program on New York’s Roosevelt Island. The design places special emphasis on projects and events meant to engage parents and educators in educational opportunities and possibilities on the island. We also created a special area to feature children’s inquiries—questions intended to shape and guide future RiEx explorations—as well as photographs from RiEx events.

In the future, the website will help organize a school based on the Reggio Emilia approach to learning and bounded only by the island itself, where several different groups can collaborate to create workshops with parents and children. We think that our flexible content management system, Economy, happens to be an especially appropriate platform to support the ongoing, emergent, and perhaps unpredictable evolution of RiEx.

Year: 2012  Client: Roosevelt Island Explorers
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